Next Steps

Evaluate the launch for takeaways and apply them to your future products.

Determining Success

What determines success is up to you! Maybe you're interested in maximizing your revenue or selling the MOQ, or maybe the first moment of seeing a fan share a photo of themselves with your product is what makes it all worth it for you. In any case, you should be proud of creating something that represents you and putting it out into the world!

You can keep up with your sales performance through the analytics dashboard by clicking on Analytics in the main menu.

See your sales performance data and keep track of your inventory.

Pre-Order Launch Risks

If, at the end of the campaign window, the number of units that customers pre-ordered is less than the MOQ for the product, you have 2 options.

  1. Purchase Inventory Purchase the MOQ for the product and fulfill the pre-orders. You can keep selling through your store, or we can ship the remaining inventory to you. This is recommended if the number of pre-orders is close to the reaching the MOQ.

  2. Cancel Product We will send refunds and emails to all affected customers apologizing and letting them know that the product was cancelled. This is recommended if the number of pre-orders is far below the MOQ.

Monthly Store Fee

We run your store for free for the first 2 months (60 days) after your inventory is manufactured. After 60 days, a monthly fee is charged at the end of each calendar month based on the amount of inventory you have. The monthly fee is $0.20 per unit and helps cover the following costs associated with the store.

  • Warehousing + Fulfillment Staff and infrastructure.

  • Technical Upkeep Domain, website hosting, analytics, and sales integrations.

  • Store Operations 24-hour customer support, site maintenance.

The store fee is prorated based on the amount of inventory you have each day. If you sell all your inventory halfway through the month, you will only be charged for half of that month. If you don't have any inventory with us in a given month, you will not be charged a store fee!

Note: If you're placing a new order for a previous product, the first 60 days will be free at the completion of the manufacturing process.


We send out payments by the 15th of the month through a wire transfer or PayPal. You will receive a statement via email in the first week of the month, and the payment will take 3 – 7 business days to arrive after receiving the statement.

Read the page below for more information on when and how you get paid from your store.

Learn more about when and how you get paid from your store.

Product Issues

The process for defective products depends on whether Juniper runs your store or you run your own store.

  • Juniper Runs Your Store Customers can contact Juniper's 24 / 7 customer service team by clicking Contact in the footer of your website. They will be able to provide their order number and describe their issue.

  • You Run Your Store Please submit a request to the Juniper team with the number of defective products that need to be replaced.

Creating More Products

You can start a new product at any time through Products in the main menu. The process will be the same as creating your first product.

Submit product details to get the journey started.

Juniper Partnerships

If your store is projected to sell $250K USD or greater in one year, we may reach out to gauge your interest in working together under Juniper Partnerships.

Juniper Partnerships is based on a royalty model where Juniper covers the cost of design, sampling, and inventory. We also are more actively involved in planning your products and ecommerce strategy, and provide marketing support with a more customized website.

Last updated